Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's 420 Somewhere In the World Special!

Somewhere in the world it's 420 and our brothers and sisters are out there partaking in God's natural goods so here at BC Chillum, we wanna give you something special.

For the rest of September, if you write us some props on one of the cannabis message boards (ie Grasscity) and get at least 1 comment, forward that thread to us and we'll send you a link for a $6 BC Chillum (before shipping. Regular price $10). Send to bcchillum@gmail.com.

Here's the Grass City forum link:


Help us spread the word!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Our website is experiencing technical difficulties. It's gone 'tard on us.

In the meantime, if you're trying to buy a BC Chillum, you can use the Paypal links on this page.

We were sold out for a week but are stocked up again so if you order early enough in the day, we'll even ship out same day.

Lastly, check out the April issue of High Times covering Cannabis Cup and read about our win for best new product with Barney's Farm. Conserve your weed. Get high as fuck. Nothing gets you as blasted on so little as a good ol' gravity bong. We were ecstatic to have proliferated our message at the Cup. Now we do our best to help Americans tough out the economy while not having to sacrifice their relationship with the sacred green.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


RT writes:

How can I get a glass gravity bong?


Hey RT,
We're working on it. We have a few wine bottles that we used as displays at Cannabis Cup in the US. If you want a BC Chillum + wine bottle deal, you can get both for $16 + shipping. But you'll have to email us at info_us@bucketchillum.com for more info.


Monday, February 9, 2009


Dan G. writes:

Hey guys, I met you guys at Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam last November and brought back one of your chillums because you told me I'd be the life of any party and it would save me a lot of money on weed. I've been taking it to parties and making gravity bongs out of gatorade jugs and Coke 2 L's in the sink, and it's been getting everyone wasted, but it still hasn't gotten me laid! You're a liar. I'll give you this. I grind up the weed first so I get a good burn and I'm using probably less than half of what I usually put in a bong or vaporizer and it gets me just as high if not higher, so it's saving me a lot of money on weed. Plus, my dealer's a dick so the fewer times I gotta meet up with him, the better. I wanna get a coupl more for my friends. You got a deal for me?



Well, Dan, I'm sorry your smoke out skillz haven't gotten you laid. I promised you the BC Chillum would definitely make you the center of every party, but as for pimp skillz, just remember...girls like guys who are nice, good listeners, have great senses of humor...and giant penises. Good luck!

I don't have a deal on a couple of Chillums, but we do have wholesale pricing starting at 10. If you've got a bunch of stoner birthdays coming up, or if you want to resell to your local stoner community, email me at info_us@bucketchillum.com and I'll give you the 411 about pricing.



If you have any questions, or own a BC Chillum and want to tell us about your crazy experiences or send pictures of the coolest, craziest gravity bongs you've made with the BC Chillum, email us at info_us@bucketchillum.com

BC Chillum's Back In Stock!

We were sold out on the US side for a couple of weeks but we just got the Original BC Chillum back in stock so pick them up now before we run out again!

Also, check out the write-up on BC Chillum in the next issue of High Times, out in April for our Cannabis Cup win for Best New Product.

In honor of that issue, we have a sale going on, dropping the price of the BC Chillum from $12 to $10. Sale ends when the Cannabis Cup Issue of High Times comes off the shelf.

Order here with Paypal:


Thursday, January 22, 2009

High Humor

If you're high and want something to laugh at, visit Julia's He Looks Like Game:
Glass Gravity Bongs

I've gotten several emails from people asking where they can purchase glass gravity bongs. We'll have them for sale on the website next month so stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cannabis Cup 2008 Winner's List:


Thanks to poster Lightsfan for informing the readers of High Times about us and the kind words!


Hey Bro,The B.C. Chillum is A metal pipe that runs through A rubber cone shaped stopper.It fits into the mouth of any bottle & has A bowl on top.It makes any bottle into A gravity bong.Cut the bottom off of A bottle,sink it into another container of water,plug in the chillum & light the bowl as you gently lift.The draining water pulls smoke into the bottle,once full remove the chillum and push the bottle down,inhaling all the smoke inside.A great take on an old idea.I got one & voted 4 it too! I took A blast of Barneys Utopia Haze through it & saw stars during the Cup!!!!!..Also the asian/american girl who sold it to me was one of the coolest people @ the cup & A great salesperson!Great job & congrats on the win!!

And thanks for OGJedi's plug!


My friend bought a BC Chillum at the cup. We tried it using a gatorade jug in the sink and a pinch of weed each and that shit had me layed out! Emailed their website and the said its $12 plus shipping. I ordered a couple and am going to find the biggest bottle I can and do it out of the bathtub.
BC Chillum featured!

Here's a Youtube video from the Stone Raiders taking a hit from the Original BC Chillum at Cannabis Cup 2008: